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Why is Joomla so popular when it comes to hosting with web?

August 1, 2013

Joomla is a powerful content management system that powers many websites on the internet. It gives the user many plugins also. It is free and open source software. The PHP written system uses object oriented programming methods called OOPs. It also provides design patterns that store data in MS SQL and MySQL databases. Other features include blogs, polls, language internationalization, search, RSS feeds and page caching.

There is much software in the market that allows its quick installation. After WordPress, Joomla is the second best CMS used on the internet. Also Joomla hosting is very popular on the web.It refers to hosting of websites on web servers that uses Joomla as a framework. There are in-built templates provided on the net that gives the user structure, design and layout of the websites. There is a CMS built into it that manages the content on the websites. The layout of the website is set but can be changed and edited as well. Free and paid templates are offered that are powered by Joomla. The templates sometimes support user customization as well. In user centric templates, they can change the contents on the web page. For example elements at the top can be pushed to the footer and similarly elements on the footer can be raised at the header. Now there are many components to the template. These include fonts, images, color schemes and layouts.

Services meant for web hosting of Joomla websites keeps the above data points in mind before hosting on servers. In Joomla templates, CSS files are present to set the designs. Changes in one or two files relating to font lead to changes across all web pages .Drop down menus are created and images are customized by the user through these templates. The way in which they are displayed can also be controlled. Use of CSS files in the HTML of the web page allows one to change background colors and link colors too. Different elements like modules and plugins differ in various layouts.

There are more than thousands of Joomla extensions available for users that use the structure to create pages which are meant for hosting on the internet.

From → Webhosting

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